The changelog may include some Vanilla only fixes in between the WoTLK ones.


  • Fixed the creature aggro distance. It was higher than intended report #118901
  • Lowered the player position update timer when walking in a staight line from 500ms to 250ms. Improves consistency when moving behind LoS or moving in/out of AoE effects for example
  • Fixed over aggressiveness of npc fanning. Greatly reduce the range at which creatures start backpedaling. report #118484
  • Fixed immunity effects preventing taunt from working report #118596
  • Fixed movement speed for creatures in starting zones being too high
  • Fixed not being able to swap bags from inventory if the destination bag already has items in it. report #118867
  • Fixed the WorldDefense channel only showing messages from the current zone. report #69127
  • Fixed fishing seasons report #118616
  • Fixed guards not helping players in small towns if they are attacked from outside of the aggro distance of the guards
  • Fixed original pet react state not always being restored after dismounting report #118680
  • Fixed loot type in battlegrounds/battlefield groups. Fixes not being able to loot AV npc creatures sometimes
  • Fixed not all class trainer spells being discounted for non-class specific spells such as Parry, Dual wield etc
  • Fixed default range on NPC leashing report #118400
  • Fixed pvp being toggled on spell cast rather than launch
  • Fixed general checks for spells overwriting stronger versions with weaker ones
  • Fixed player guardians evading rather than following the player when commanding a pet to follow report #118770
  • Fixed default actionbar for pets that are missing them report #118584
  • Fixed cat minipets constantly trying to run away report #118401
  • Fixed npc despawn timer not being extended when loot is inspected report #117993
  • Fixed despawn time for fully looted corpses
  • Fixed skinnable corpses despawning too quickly
  • Fixed corpse despawn time for non-elite npcs






Death Knight

  • Fixed army of the ghouls not returning to the DK after their target is killed
  • Fixed Summoned Ghoul not following player on when entering a moving platform report #118758



  • Fixed Concussive Shot incorrectly being overwritten by stronger slows
  • Fixed pet talents not being shown after reload ui. report #118519
  • Fixed pets not being summoned when being moved out of stables report #118659
  • Fixed stable slots not updating if pet is summoned while moving it to the stables









  • Fixed being able to bypass the 15 minute pre-war queue timer
  • Fixed queue not being cleared from players when the battle ends

Icecrown Citadel


Molten Core

  • Implemented encounter UI frames report #118397
  • Fixed the droprate of epic loot from trash report #118559
  • Fixed trash immunities for the instance
  • Fixed Flamewaker Elite not using Separation Anxiety when kited too far away from Majordomo Executus
  • Fixed Flamewaker Healer not using Separation Anxiety when kited too far away from Majordomo Executus
  • Fixed Majordomo adds should become immune to Polymorph after 4 adds died
  • Fixed Firesworn should not using Separation Anxiety when kited too far away from Majordomo Executus
  • Fixed immunities for Flamewaker Elite
  • Fixed Ancient Core Hound not causing fire melee damage
  • Fixed Flameguard not causing fire melee damage
  • Fixed Firewalker not causing fire melee damage
  • Fixed Ragnaros spamming the chat channel


  • Fixed Coren Direbrew not being spawned in non-RDF instances. report #118620


Forge of Souls

  • Fixed mirrored soul dealing more damage than intended report #118355

Utgarde Pinnacle

Vanilla-Wotlk Beta

Borean Tundra

  • Fixed timers for High Overlord Saurfang


Howling Fjord

  • Fixed timers for Jlarborn the Strategist
  • Fixed timers for npc #23671


Blackwing Lair

  • Fixed Blackwing Taskmaster/Warlocks incorrectly being spawned as part of the Razorgore bossfight.
  • Fixed engaging Firemaw closing the door to the previous room.
  • Fixed Suppression Device not requiring Disarm Trap in Vanilla

Scarlet Monastery

Blackrock Depths

  • Fixed creatures in The Lyceum respawning even after both torches are lit. report #118634
  • Fixed Jail Break! sometimes softlocking at the third door report #118482
  • Fixed Marshal Windsor should apply Windsor's Frenzy buff after he get his armor duing quest Jail Break!
  • Fixed timers for Crest Killer
  • Fixed Crest Killer should use ability Kick in order to interrupt victim's cast
  • Fixed Crest Killer is using wrong spell version of Kick
  • Fixed Crest Killer is using wrong spell version of Backhand
  • Fixed timers for Shill Dinger
  • Fixed Shill Dinger using ability Curse of Weakness on its target instead of randomly
  • Fixed Shill Dinger is not using Banish
  • Fixed Supply Crate not opening open during Jail Break quest
  • Fixed Shill Dinger is using wrong version of Curse of Weakness
  • Fixed Shill Dinger is usingwrong version of ability Shadow Bolt
  • Fixed timers for Jaz
  • Fixed Jaz should use ability Shank only when behind his target
  • Fixed Jaz should also use ability Bloodlust on Ograbisi
  • Fixed Jaz is using wrong spell version of Snap Kick
  • Fixed timers for Ograbisi
  • Fixed waypoints for Tobias Seecher
  • Fixed waypoints for Dughal Stormwing
  • Fixed missing cosmetic emotes for Tobias Seecher
  • Fixed missing cosmetic emotes for Dughal Stormwing
  • Fixed missing speeches for Crest Killer
  • Fixed missing speeches for Shill Dinger
  • Fixed missing speeches for Ograbisi
  • Fixed missing emotes for Marshal Windsor speeches
  • Fixed Emperor Dagran Thaurissan fanning out when casting his grow spell

Dire Maul

  • Fixed Cho'Rush the Observer not sitting his ass down after King Gordok is defeated
  • Fixed Dire Maul tribute run rewards. report #118601
  • Fixed Immol'thar not having a small pause before engage after forcefield destroyed
  • Fixed respawn timer for Warpwood Pod
  • Fixed veins and herb spawns in vanilla report #118812
  • Fixed missing spawns of Whip Lasher
  • Fixed all players in group should be able to get King of Gordok buff from Mizzle the Crafty
  • Fixed Mizzle the Crafty should run instead of walk
  • Fixed timers for Lord Hel'nurath
  • Fixed timers for Xorothian Dreadsteed
  • Fixed missing aggro speech for Isalien
  • Fixed Isalien not running away from its target after using ability Net
  • Fixed timers for Isalien
  • Fixed Empyrean missing Thrash
  • Fixed Isalien is not using Vengeance after death of her pet Empyrean
  • Fixed pet of Isalien sometimes being despawned
  • Fixed attack speed for Gordok Reaver
  • Fixed attack speed for Gordok Warlock
  • Fixed attack speed for Gordok Captain
  • Fixed attack speed for Gordok Mage-Lord

Blackrock Spire

  • Fixed not being able to enter the dungeon after summoning and defeating Lord Valthalak report #118271
  • Fixed incorrect health for a bunch of creatures in Upper Blackrock Spire report #118422
  • Fixed Urok Doomhowl event. Players now only get one chance, if the ogres manage to destroy the pike, the boss/adds despawn
  • Fixed outro event for Urok Doomhowl encounter. Warosh should spawn and be pleased by Urok's death
  • Fixed missing text emotes for Warosh
  • Fixed Urok Enforcer not using Puncture
  • Fixed missing aggro speeches for Urok Ogre Magus
  • Fixed Flame Buffet Totem causing insane amounts of damage.
  • Fixed missing cosmetic emotes for Urok ogres when they attack and destroy the pike
  • Fixed Urok ogres despawn animation after encounter fail
  • Fixed wrong on kill speech and Fixed missing aggro speech for Urok Doomhowl
  • Fixed Urok Doomhowl is missing his spawn animation
  • Fixed teleport animation for Urok Doomhowl adds on spawn
  • Fixed Spawn location for Urok Doomhowl adds
  • Fixed Urok Doomhowl adds should spawn only when previous add is killed. Only 3 adds can be spawned at same time
  • Fixed Urok Doomhowl adds should not despawn if they still alive after boss spawn
  • Fixed should not be possible to summon two spirits of Lord Valthalak at same time
  • Fixed Lord Valthalak's Amulet can be used on any target instead of Lord Valthalak corpse only
  • Fixed timers for Blackhand Iron Guard
  • Fixed Blackhand Assassin should use ability Backstab only if stand behind the target
  • Fixed timers for Blackhand Assassin
  • Fixed timers for Burning Felguard
  • Fixed missing Burning Felguard Spawn cosmetic for Burning Felguard
  • Fixed timers for Burning Felhound
  • Fixed timers for Burning Imp
  • Fixed respawn timer for Father Flame
  • Fixed Father Flame Aura lingering after Father Flame despawns
  • Fixed Solakar Flamewreath intro event softlock on players wipe
  • Fixed issue where Solakar Flamewreath could not be summoned report #118564
  • Fixed bunch of creatures triggering flee for assist event multiple times on low HP report #118393
  • Fixed Rend Blackhand spectators not despawning after encounter wipe/kill report #118347
  • Fixed Spirestone Lord Magus using Bloodlust and Enlarge instantly on aggro
  • Fixed Urok Doomhowl should not be immune to fear
  • Fixed timers for Urok Ogre Magus
  • Fixed Urok Ogre Magus not using Bloodlust on friendly creatures without that buff
  • Fixed Urok Ogre Magus sometimes interrupting own casts
  • Fixed timers for Urok Enforcer
  • Fixed missing Challenge to Urok during Urok Doomhowl event
  • Fixed missing blue runes during Urok Doomhowl spawning event
  • Fixed Bloodaxe Evoker waypoints
  • Fixed timers for Urok Doomhowl
  • Fixed Lord Valthalak not using ability Shadow Bolt after starting Phase 3
  • Fixed Lord Valthalak is not using ability Energy Siphon and Shadow Staff
  • Fixed event for Lord Valthalak where he switch between phases and equip Shade Staff
  • Fixed missing events and speeches for Lord Valthalak
  • Fixed Vile'rel casting Healing abilities on targets with full hp
  • Fixed Mor Grayhoof should having weapon while in dragon form
  • Fixed timers for Mor Grayhoof
  • Fixed Mor Grayhoof is not using abilities Sleep, Shock and Arcane Explosion during his Faerie Dragon Form
  • Fixed Mor Grayhoof is not using abilities Maul and Swipe during bear form
  • Fixed Mor Grayhoof using abilities from previous phases
  • Fixed Mor Grayhoof is not using abilities Ferocious Bite and Rake when he is in cat form
  • Fixed timers for Spectral Assassin
  • Fixed missing Shade visual for Spectral Assassin
  • Fixed timers for Highlord Omokk
  • Fixed timers for Lord Valthalak


  • Fixed timers for Miner Johnson
  • Fixed timers for Captain Greenskin
  • Fixed timers for Cookie
  • Fixed timers for Defias Squallshaper
  • Fixed Defias Wizard should switch between melee and caster mode depending on range to its victim
  • Fixed timers for Defias Taskmaster
  • Fixed timers for Defias Wizard
  • Fixed Defias Wizard should cast Quick Flame Ward only when relevant school damage used by enemy player
  • Fixed Edwin VanCleef not despawning his adds on evade
  • Fixed respawn timers for deadmines trash mobs
  • Fixed Captain Greenskin should patrol in formation with Defias Squallshaper and Defias Pirate
  • Fixed waypoints for Captain Greenskin
  • Fixed Defias Pirate chance to summon Bloodsail Companion
  • Fixed timers for Mr. Smite
  • Fixed Mr. Smite should not cast Nimble Reflexes at combat start instead he should have that aura by default
  • Fixed Mr. Smite is not using ability Smite's Hammer during phase 3
  • Fixed Mr. Smite is not using ability Thrash during phase 2
  • Fixed Mr. Smite should not engage nearby pirates when he aggroed by players
  • Fixed Defias Squallshaper and Defias Pirate not sharing spawn locations
  • Fixed Defias Companion should not be spawned by default
  • Fixed after players take Defias Gunpowder a Defias Overseer should spawn and run to protect it
  • Fixed some Doors being improperly closed after restoring a saved instance and bosses are already dead
  • Fixed multiple missing patrol events that spawn after the death of certain bosses
  • Fixed Defias Wizard and Defias Taskmaster not sharing spawn locations
  • Fixed Gilnid's door not always opening after boss death
  • Fixed timers for Gilnid
  • Fixed timers for Goblin Craftsman
  • Fixed timers for Goblin Engineer
  • Fixed timers for Defias Strip Miner
  • Fixed timers for Sneed's Shredder
  • Fixed waypoints for Sneed's Shredder
  • Fixed missing woodchoping cosmetic for Goblin Woodcarver
  • Fixed spawns of Goblin Woodcarver
  • Fixed spawn location and Fixed missing waypoints for Defias Evoker and Defias Overseer after Rhahk'Zor and to Sneed
  • Fixed missing cosmetic mining emote for Miner Johnson
  • Fixed spawn location for Miner Johnson
  • Fixed timers for Rhahk'Zor
  • Fixed missing waypoint movement for Rhahk'Zor
  • Fixed timers for Defias Overseer
  • Fixed spawn location and Fixed missing waypoints for Defias Overseer and Defias Evoker from entrance to first boss
  • Fixed timers for Defias Watchman
  • Fixed timers for Defias Evoker
  • Fixed Defias Evoker should cast Quick Flame Ward only when relevant school damage used by enemy player
  • Fixed timers for Defias Miner



  • Fixed missing aggro speeches for Crimson Crusade creatures
  • Fixed Baron Anastarionly casting Posses on the tank.
  • Fixed Baron Dathrohan only casting Domination on the tank.
  • Fixed The Medallion of Faith not being repeatable report #118415
  • Fixed Aurius is not using ability Exorcism
  • Fixed timers for Aurius
  • Fixed Aurius is using wrong spell version of Holy Light
  • Fixed The Unforgiven is not using ability Frost Armor
  • Fixed Skeletal Berserker sometimes do not use ability Cleave
  • Fixed timers for Plagued Rat
  • Fixed Rockwing Gargoyle sometimes does not use its abilities
  • Fixed Archivist Galford sometimes does not use his abilities
  • Fixed timers for Stratholme Courier
  • Fixed Black Guard Sentry should not cast ability Dazed
  • Fixed timers for Black Guard Sentry
  • Fixed Gregor the Justiciar is using wrong set of abilities
  • Fixed Cathela the Seeker is using wrong set of abilities
  • Fixed Nemas the Arbiter is using wrong set of abilities
  • Fixed Aelmar the Vanquisher is using wrong set of abilities
  • Fixed Vicar Hieronymus should use healing spells and buffs on friendly creatures instead of himself only
  • Fixed Vicar Hieronymus should use ability Blessing of Light instead of Crusader Strike
  • Fixed Vicar Hieronymus is using wrong spell version of Holy Light
  • Fixed paladins summoned for Blood Elf paladin's mount quest should not say their speeches after reset
  • Fixed timers for Spiteful Phantom and Wrath Phantom
  • Fixed timers for Crimson Hammersmith
  • Fixed Undead Postman sometimes do not chase his victim
  • Fixed timers for Undead Postman
  • Fixed timers for Fras Siabi
  • Fixed timers for Hearthsinger Forresten
  • Fixed Postmaster Malown should use ability Curse of Tongues on players with mana
  • Fixed timers for Postmaster Malown
  • Fixed Postmaster Malown should say his quote on aggro instead of spawn
  • Fixed Postmaster Malown is using wrong spell version of Curse of Weakness
  • Fixed Postmaster Malown is using wrong spell version of Curse of Tongues
  • Fixed timers for Sothos
  • Fixed Sothos should use ability Shield Charge only if his target is on range
  • Fixed Sothos is not using ability Shield Block
  • Fixed Sothos is using wrong spell version of Fear
  • Fixed Sothos is using wrong spell  version of Shadow Bolt Volley
  • Fixed timers for Jarien
  • Fixed Jarien is not using ability Cripple
  • Fixed Jarien is using wrong spell version of Shadow Shock
  • Fixed Jarien is using wrong spell version of Mortal Strike
  • Fixed Jarien should use ability Cleave instead of ability Strong Cleave
  • Fixed spawn location for Jarien and Sothos
  • Fixed missing emotes for Jarien and Sothos intro event
  • Fixed being able to possible to pull Baron Rivendare out of his room
  • Fixed missing intro event for Jarien and Sothos encounter
  • Fixed Jarien and Sothos sometimes interrupt own casts
  • Fixed Spirit of Jarien/Spirit of Sothos should thank players after encounter if finished
  • Fixed spirit of Jarien and Sothos should not help with killing its sibling
  • Fixed missing enrage emote for Jarien and Sothos when they see death of other sibling
  • Fixed Crimson Initiate is casting healing spells while target have full hp
  • Fixed Crimson Defender is casting Holy Light while target have full hp

Stranglethorn Vale

Eastern Plaguelands




  • Fixed model of Rokaro
  • Fixed missing pathing to Rokaro in vanilla

Temple of Atal'hakkar

  • Fixed Murk Slitherer and Fungal Ooze not sharing spawn locations
  • Fixed Murk Worm ability Slowing Poison not being casted on melee hit
  • Fixed Kazkaz the Unholy not using its abilities
  • Fixed Zekkis should use ability Curse of Blood on random targets instead of victim only
  • Fixed timers for Zekkis
  • Fixed Veyzhak the Cannibal should use ability Enrage at 50% HP instead of 20%
  • Fixed missing frenzy emote for Veyzhak the Cannibal
  • Fixed Veyzhak the Cannibal is not using ability Rend
  • Fixed Atal'ai Priest should switch between caster and melee mode depending on range to his victim
  • Fixed timers for Atal'ai Priest
  • Fixed Mummified Atal'ai using Fevered Plague on its target only instead of randomly
  • Fixed timers for Mummified Atal'ai
  • Fixed Cursed Atal'ai should use ability Call of the Grave only on death
  • Fixed Fungal Ooze is not using ability Plague Cloud
  • Fixed Murk Spitter should switch between caster and melee mode depending on range to his victim
  • Fixed timers for Murk Spitter
  • Fixed Murk Slitherer is not using ability Poison
  • Fixed missing cosmetic talk emotes for bunch of Atal'ai trolls at Sunken Temple entrance area
  • Fixed respawn timer for trash mobs at Sunken Temple entrance
  • Fixed missing spawn and waypoint path for Enthralled Atal'ai
  • Fixed Kazkaz the Unholy should have random movement
  • Fixed missing waypoint movement for Murk Spitter
  • Fixed random movement and Fixed missing waypoints for Murk Slitherer
  • Fixed missing spawns of Atal'ai Tablet


Stormwind City

The Hinterlands


Western Plaguelands

Burning Steppes



The Hinterlands

  • Fixed Verdantine Boughguard and Verdantine Oracle and Verdantine Tree Warder not sharing spawn location
  • Fixed Revantusk Watcher patrols on the dock teleporting to their destination. report #118114



  • Fixed Stone Door should not instantly closing after opening


  • Fixed cosmetic talk emotes for groups of zul'farrak trolls
  • Fixed missing aggro links for Zul'Farrak
  • Fixed wandering radius for bunch of trolls
  • Fixed wrong spawns of Sandfury Shadowhunter
  • Fixed missing waypoints for Hydromancer Velratha
  • Fixed random movement for ZulFarrak trolls and Fixed missing waypoint for Sul'lithuz Sandcrawler and Sandfury Shadowhunter formation patrols
  • Fixed bad aggro links pulling mobs across the instance report #118265
  • Fixed Antu'sul is casting Holy Light on targets with full hp


  • Fixed spawn location for Kormok
  • Fixed Darkreaver's Fallen Charger should have random movement on spawn
  • Fixed timers for Death Knight Darkreaver
  • Fixed Death Knight Darkreaver is using wrong spell version of Dominate Mind
  • Fixed Death Knight Darkreaver should not instantly cast abilities
  • Fixed Kirtonos the Herald is casting his abilities instantly
  • Fixed timers for Aspect of Malice
  • Fixed Aspect of Malice is using wrong spell version of Curse of Blood
  • Fixed timers for Malicious Spirit
  • Fixed Aspect of Corruption is not using ability Wracking Pains
  • Fixed timers for Corrupted Spirit
  • Fixed Corrupted Spirit is using wrong spell version of Corrupted Stamina
  • Fixed Aspect of Shadow is using wrong spell version of Shadow Bolt
  • Fixed Aspect of Shadows is using wrong spell version of Shadow Shock
  • Fixed timers for Aspect of Shadow
  • Fixed Aspect of Shadow is not using ability Shadow Shield
  • Fixed Aspect of Shadow is not using ability Shadow Bolt Volley
  • Fixed timers for Shadowed Spirit
  • Fixed Shadowed Spirit is not using ability Shadow Shock
  • Fixed Aspect of Banality is not using ability Aspect of Banality
  • Fixed Aspect of Banality and Banal Spirit should not use ability Demoralize on targets which already have that debuff
  • Fixed timers for Banal Spirit and Aspect of Banality
  • Fixed Aspect of Banality and Banal Spirit should not use ability Battle Shout
  • Fixed scripted event for quest Judgment and Redemption should interrupt on players wipe
  • Fixed timers for Kirtonos the Herald
  • Fixed Kirtonos the Herald should use shadow abilities when in human form and physical damage spells while in gargoyle form
  • Fixed Kirtonos the Herald gates should be closed as soon as players use Brazier used
  • Fixed timers for Bone Mage
  • Fixed Kormok should apply Bone Shield on spawn
  • Fixed timers for Kormok
  • Fixed Kormok is not using ability Bloodlust
  • Fixed Kormok is using wrong spell for ability Shadow Bolt Volley
  • Fixed missing speeches for Kormok
  • Fixed Kormok is not using ability Frenzy
  • Fixed melee damage for Illusion of Jandice Barov
  • Fixed missing weapon for Illusion of Jandice Barov

Dustwallow Marsh

Blasted Lands


  • Fixed prerequesites for multiple quests in Timbermaw Hold report #118374